The material published on this website is the property of the author, Denys Masliuk, and may only be used for non-commercial purposes and for personal use, where copyrights may not be infringed. Material may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise distributed without the written permission of the owner of the website. Any other use or distribution of this material or of parts thereof is prohibited. The owner of this website assumes no liability for any damage caused by use of the material.


The author, Denys Masliuk, assumes no liability for use of this website nor for any damage caused by use of material on this website. The owner assumes no liability for the accuracy of material on this website, nor for any loss or damage arising from the use of this material. The user uses all material and services on this website at his own risk. The owner of the website assumes no liability for any material contributed to this website by users, and reserves the right to remove any unsuitable content.


The author, Denys Masliuk, reserves the right to change the content of material published on this website.